IBM developerWorks: PHP encryption for the common man
Encryption can be a difficult issue to comprehend, inside of PHP or not. Thankfully, there are resources out there that can help simplify things and bring them down to where they're really useful....
View ArticleStefan Esser's Blog: Suhosin 0.9.20 and crypt() Thread Safety Vulnerability
Stefan Esser points out the latest release of his PHP security enhancement patch, Suhosin 0.9.20, and some of the features it adds, a major one specifically. The most important addition is that a...
View ArticlePadraic Brady's Blog: OpenID In PHP PEAR: Proposed!
Padraic Brady has an announcement posted to his blog today - his OpenID PEAR has officially been proposed to the PEAR group for consideration. Yes, my OpenID 2.0 PHP5 Consumer has finally been...
View ArticleZend Developer Zone: Using GnuPG with PHP
The Zend Developer Zone has a new tutorial posted today showing how to use the open source encryption tool GnuPG from inside PHP. While GnuPG works very well as a standalone tool, it also plays very...
View Understanding Hash Functions and Keeping Passwords Safe
On today there's a new tutorial from Burak Guzel about keeping your passwords (and web applications) safer by using hashing with passwords and understanding which of the PHP functions is...
View ArticleShay Ben Moshe's Blog: Hashing Passwords Properly
Shay Ben Moshe has a new post to his blog looking at a method he's come up with for hashing passwords the proper way and saving them to a database for future checking. His encryption methods of choice...
View 5.3.7 upgrade warning
In a quick note from the site, they have a warning for those running PHP 5.3.7 (the most recent release) - there's a bug that's serious enough (with crypt) to where upgrades should probably...
View PHP 5.3.8 Released!
On they've posted the official announcement about the release of PHP 5.3.8, an release following 5.3.7 to fix some issues with the crypt functionality. The PHP development team would like to...
View ArticleJoseph Scott's Blog: Slow Hashing
In this new post Joseph Scott takes a look at hashing in PHP, specifically around md5 hashes, and a better alternative (that's also more secure. The majority of the Coding Horror: Speed Hashing post...
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